English Conversation Starters
Week 44-2022

Cada semana subiremos preguntas, artículos y videos para estimular la conversación en nuestras clases de inglés.

Enjoy the conversation!

Academia de inglés en Murcia neck of the woods

Random Question

Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?


«You can’t trust the news these days»


You and your friends are going to a concert to see your favourite band. You are at the train station and the train is about to leave. One of you friends hasn’t arrived yet but there is another train in 45 minutes. Do you:

1. Get on the train?  

2. Wait for your friend and arrive late to the concert?

Word of the week


“I don’t understand this contract. It’s all gobbledygook to me.”


Will Elon Musk make Twitter better or worse?


Do you enjoy the thrill of being scared?

Idiom of the week

Neck of the woods

“What’s been happening around your neck of the woods?”

Riddle me this…

I’m half American, half Canadian. I’m always running but I haven’t moved for a million years. I have no mouth but I have an almighty roar.

Clases de conversación en Murcia

¿Estás buscando clases de inglés dinámicas con much práctica del inglés oral?

En la academia de inglés Cheeky English ofrecemos cursos de todo tipo con profesores nativos, clases particulares o en grupos reducidos.

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