English Conversation Starters
Week 45-2022

Cada semana subiremos preguntas, artículos y videos para estimular la conversación en nuestras clases de inglés.

Enjoy the conversation!

Academia de inglés en Murcia Bobs your uncle

Random Question

If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?


“In some cases, the death penalty is justified”


You are pulling out of a parking space and accidentally scratch the car next to you. No one saw you. Do you:

1. Leave a note on the car you damaged?  

2. Shrug your shoulders and drive away?

Word of the week


“The way these books are organised seems confusing and haphazard”


Would you like to see a second Trump presidency?


Do you use your phone too much?

Idiom of the week

Bob’s your Uncle!

Just squeeze a lemon, add some sugar and, Bob’s your uncle, you have some lemonade!”

Riddle me this…

What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?

Clases de conversación en Murcia

¿Estás buscando clases de inglés dinámicas con much práctica del inglés oral?

En la academia de inglés Cheeky English ofrecemos cursos de todo tipo con profesores nativos, clases particulares o en grupos reducidos.

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