Cada semana subiremos preguntas, artículos y videos para estimular la conversación en nuestras clases de inglés.
Enjoy the conversation!
Random Question
What is your favourite Christmas song?
“Christmas is too commercialised these days”
It’s Christmas Eve and your parents are expecting you and your partner to come for dinner. However, there’s been a mix-up and your partner’s parents are also expecting the same. They’ve both spent a lot of time preparing the meal. Do you…
1. Split up for the evening and each go to your respective parents’ homes?
2. Choose one household? If so, which parents do you snub?
Word of the week
“I think you put too much tinsel on the tree. You can hardy see the lights!”
Would you agree that this nativity scene really sucks?
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Idiom of the week
Be there with bells on
“Are you looking forward to the Christmas party?”
– “Of course. I’ll be there with bells on!”
Bad joke time!
I am the ghost of Christmas Past Perfect Continuous: I will show you what you had been doing just before the ghost of Christmas Past arrived!
¿Estás buscando clases de inglés dinámicas con much práctica del inglés oral?
En la academia de inglés Cheeky English ofrecemos cursos de todo tipo con profesores nativos, clases particulares o en grupos reducidos.