English Conversation Starters
Week 46-2022

Cada semana subiremos preguntas, artículos y videos para estimular la conversación en nuestras clases de inglés.

Enjoy the conversation!

Academia de inglés en Murcia undertheweather

Random Question

What is the strangest food you have in your kitchen?


«We should stop having foreign holidays as air travel is bad for the environment»


You are in a coffee shop and it starts raining heavily outside. You have an umbrella but notice an old lady walking out into the rain. She has no coat or umbrella. Do you:

1. Give her your umbrella and get wet?  

2. Ignore her and walk home happily with your umbrella?

Word of the week


Please don’t move that plant pot, my mum is very pernickety about these things.


Is it possible to avoid a climate crisis?


What do you know about your ancestors?

Idiom of the week

Under the weather

I think I’ll stay at home today. I’m feeling a little under the weather”

Riddle me this…

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Clases de conversación en Murcia

¿Estás buscando clases de inglés dinámicas con much práctica del inglés oral?

En la academia de inglés Cheeky English ofrecemos cursos de todo tipo con profesores nativos, clases particulares o en grupos reducidos.

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